your way ...
4x4 Car Hire & Camping
As a Car Hire company we get a lot of questions about travel in Namibia. We know you want to make sure about a lot of information relating to your rental vehicle and camping equipment, so we've included a couple of questions previously asked.
Does the roof tent have a mattress?
Yes, it does. We rent it with a fitted sheet and a duvet with cover as well as a blanket in colder weather. Sleeping bags can be provided on request.
Can I drive after dark?
We advise clients not to drive after dark as many roads are not fenced off and game, cattle and donkeys roam in fenced and unfenced areas. In addition to that, we have free-roaming lion, leopard and hyena, so you would not want to be stuck on the side of the road with a flat tyre after dark. (-;
Is tyre and windscreen insurance included?
Tyre and windscreen insurance can be selected as an optional extra on your insurance. It covers the windscreen, tyre tread damage, but not tyre sidewall damage or damage to the rim.
Is the undercarriage covered by insurance?
Yes it is for damage from a collision, but not if damaged when driving the car on non-demarcated roads; say for instance driving down a dry river-bed and rocks damage the undercarriage.
Q: Do you refund tyre puncture repairs?
Yes, if you have tyre insurance and only if the puncture is on the tread of the tyre.
Where can I find someone to repair a tyre?
All lodges have vehicles and should be able to repair. Also at service stations and tyre shops.
Can I use South African Rand in Namibia?
Yes, you can, but you cannot use Namibian Dollars in South Africa.
Do petrol/service stations accept credit cards?
Yes, in the larger centres, they do. Be prepared to pay cash at the stations in smaller towns and villages.
Can I buy food everywhere?
Mostly, yes, but the more remote you go, the smaller the variety and the more expensive it gets; you might not find foods you would normally purchase either. Travel with easy options for a quick lunch such as crackers and a variety of cream and other cheeses and cold cuts, gherkins and canned or fresh fruit if you are camping and have a fridge. Otherwise, make sure you have snacks and enough drinking water with you in the car.
May I collect wood to make a fire?
It is not advised. Rather support local communities by purchasing wood as you go. Keep a back-up bag of charcoal just in case you do not find wood.
Should I top up the oil?
No, the oil is usually checked by us before your trip. Should the oil light go on, contact us.
Drive Namibia Car Hire is based in Windhoek and specialises in 4x4 vehicle hire and self-drive tours. Our vehicles can be equipped for camping for 2 or 4 persons.